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Welcome to the UAE AEOI Portal
The UAE Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Portal is an online application that will allow you to submit your CbC filings to the UAE Ministry of Finance.
To access The UAE Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Portal, please enter your email address and password below. Note that the password is case sensitive.
If you require assistance, contact The UAE Ministry of Finance at and 600533336.
To enrol for CbC please follow this link:
Enrolment for CbC
Email address:
Due to a prolonged period of inactivity, you must login again.
Forgotten Password
The recommended minimum computer requirements for using the UAE AEOI Portal are:
We support the most recent versions of the following browsers; Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.
We also recommend that your screen resolution is at least 1920x1080 or higher for optimal display.
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